Cogini Blog

Jake Morrison

It's only a minimum viable product if it hurts

One definition of a startup is "a company in search of a repeatable business model." If we have a clear idea of what the customer needs, what they are willing to buy, and have built the product that satisfies them, then we are no longer a startup, we are an … Read more…

Jake Morrison

The Four Stages of Santa Claus for software developers

There is a joke, "The Four Stages of Santa Claus": You believe in Santa Claus You do not believe in Santa Claus You are Santa Claus You look like Santa Claus There is an equivalent for software developers when it comes to requirements documents and specs. In the beginning of … Read more…

Jake Morrison

Presentation on Elixir and embedded programming

Here are the slides for the presentation on Elixir and embedded programming I gave to the Elixir user's group. Read more…

Jake Morrison

90 percent immutable

After a fair amount of debugging, I got an app running in an AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG), pulling its config on startup from S3 and code from Amazon CodeDeploy. On the way I found out some annoying parts of the cloud initialization process in AWS. The idea is that … Read more…

Jake Morrison

Presentation on thinking functionally in Elixir

Here are the slides for the presentation on thinking functionally in Elixir I gave to the local Elixir user's group. Read more…

Jake Morrison

Presentation on Erlang and functional programming

Here are the slides for the presentation on Erlang and functional programming I gave to the local Elixir user's group. Read more…


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